No rich kitty cat wants to live like a cockroach and why should they when their master has money up the ass?To be polite let's just say the master or mistress has money up the booty. That just sounds better. Your cat wants this so you should get it right away. (I make it simple to understand)
Подходящий замокдляочень богатыхкошачьих
Небогатыйкоткотенокхочет жить, как таракан, и зачемони, когда иххозяинесть деньгив задницу? Быть вежливымдавайте просто скажем,хозяинилихозяйкаесть деньгинадобычу.Это толькозвучит лучше.Ваша кошкахочет,так что вы должныполучить егопрямо сейчас.(Я делаю этопросто понять)
The above is simply a detail showing the quality available for the picky cat of the millionaire or billionaire. Your cat house won't look like this at all or maybe just a bit like this...
Выше,простоподробнопоказываеткачестводляпридирчивыхкошкамиллионераилимиллиардера.Ваша кошкадом небудет выглядеть таквообще или, может быть,немного, как это ...
A contented cat, owner of a cat castle made by California sculptor, Farrell Hamann
Some big Wall Street types buy a cat palace and somehow it winds up being used as a kid's dollhouse. Most cats usually go along with this and sometimes even allow a dog to pretend it is a doghouse palace. Cats are easily distracted.
Некоторые крупныеWall Streetтипакупить котадвореци как-тоонзавершаетиспользуется каккукольный домикдля детей.Большинство кошекобычно идутвместе с этимииногда дажепозволяетсобакеделать вид,что этособачья будкадворца.Кошкиочень легко отвлекаются.
Like a lot of details carved into your pet's home? No problem. Here is a good example of carved details.
Какмного деталейрезногов домвашего питомца? Без проблем.Вотхороший пример того,резныедетали.
The above cat, Creamy prefers something ultra modern. His idea of the idea cat house (or doghouse, he's dog friendly) it the modern structure behind him with a nice blanket thrown over the top. The blanket is easily washed so it keeps down the dust.
Want to buy one of these wonder, world class pieces, contact artist/sculptor Farrell Hamann at the email below:
Над кошкой,сливочныйпредпочитаетчто-тоультрасовременное. Его идеядомашняя кошкаидея(илинемилости, он собакадружественных)этосовременное зданиеза нимс хорошимодеялобросилсверху.Одеяло легко моется, что позволяет сохранятьдопыли.
Хотитекупить одну из этихудивительно,частимирового класса, свяжитесьхудожник/скульпторФарреллHamannнаадрес электронной почты ниже:
Как сделатьтост(повар), используя современный электрическийтостер.Да, дажеможноовладеть этиммастерством!Не кладитевилкутам,люди, которых вытолько могли бысжечьвашиволосы на лобке!
Urns and indoor monuments (click on link below)
В случаевашей смерти(надеюсь,вы этого не сделаете), вы не должныполностью исчезнутьв пустоте.Выможетевыходитьв стилеклассмиреурнаили крытыйпамятника.Некоторые из нихпроизведения изобразительного искусстваискусствадостаточно велика.
A private art museum in Northern California you can drive right up to... really cool sculpture. Bring dogs and kids, smoke a cigar. Hard time getting in and out of your car? no problem. Farrell Hamann Fine Art. California's newest and coolest art museum. See the palace, castles, chateau, huge spheres, and giant flower. By appointment, please call: 1-916-641-7696 Event planners would like to know about this... perfect place for the jaded CEO. Nice meetup location
Rush Limbaugh sends a "Hit Snake" to eat The Great Blue Frog
Above: Please Stand By, an old time television notice that the station was experiencing a problem.
Spooky Greeters at Walmart. Video, 3 minutes flat!
Above pic: I need to know, Doctor, will radioactive fish meal harm my kittens? (Same question for GMOs)
Critter collection in front of 25 room masterpiece castle. Now there are 8 critters completed and another on the way. Tell you billionaire pays, please.
Tell the #FDA to save the bees from #Bayer #CropScience
Help an artist/writer out!
Part of my famous, much televised mosaic egg collection "Unique collection" The J. Paul Getty Museum
Who is the King of Nordstrom at Arden Fair Mall in Sacramento? It's me. AKA the Exalted One (formerly Old Butthairs). I have a very top-secret hideout there that you will never, ever find, even using bloodhounds. Incidentally, I'm also the true King of France and Holland and the inventor of 25kt gold. You can read more about me at but don't go there yet.
True King of France and Holland and the King of Nordstrom store in Arden Fair Mall, Sacramento, CA
If you are among the favored few, I may give you some Godiva Chocolates (My subjects are insanely nutty for Godiva. The put high fructose syrup in at least some of it, you wouldn't think they'd put that crap in there but they do. Shame. Правдакороля Франциии Голландии,и корольNordstromмагазин вArden FairMall,Sacramento, CA Если вы находитесь срединемногих избранных, я могу дать вам несколькоконфетGodiva(МойпредметыбезумновкусныйдляGodiva. Положитьвысокийсироп, по крайней мере некоторые из них, вы недумаете, что онибы сказал, что дерьмотамониdobut. Позор
Contains High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mostly, when I'm at Arden Fair and not lurking in my secret hideout, I'm trying to spot secret agents of The Church of Bad! They're all over the place, like rats and not nice rats at that (the rat generally is a noble beast). When I spot someone from The Church of Bad, I chase them around with a Q-Tip dipped in brown mustard, that neutralizes them pretty darn good and installs motivation for a career change on their brain.
The other best way to deal with agents of the Church of Bad is to sneak up and sprinkle them with pubic hair. That always freaks them out! Pubic hairs are in short supply around here.
Below: Ellen with giant smoke ring clip, very cool! (was here)
OK, I'm back, had to take my best of show (before I got her) pug dog: Chuckawookapookatookawakatakatoo, out for a walk. You can just call her Mia. She, of course, is a raw meat dog. I won't even mention the other pug, guy gets on my nerves, everyday clawing me for raw meat with his tiger like claws.
Chuckawookapookatookawakatakatoo the famous champion pug dog. Don't get her mad, she will turn into something like the ghost black dog of Peel Castle on the Isle of Mann.
Chuckawookapookatookawakatakatooder berühmteMeisterMops Hund. Lassen Sie sich nichtsie verrückt, sie wird zu etwaswie der Geistschwarzer HundvonPeel Castleauf der Isle ofMannverwandeln.
Below: 2 ft smoke ring generator, shooting smoke rings at trees and kid
My lovely Star Vase. Subjects puts cool stuff in it for their beloved King and I usually thank them by rubbing their buttocks. If not rubbing their buttocks, I have my personal valet use the ingenious "Hamann Butt Lift" on them which is very popular. The valet grabs the butt, lifts it, taking up most of it's weight, and floats the person around the room. Utterly relaxing!!
Got stuff to do, back latter. King Farrell (@farrellhamann on twitter, YouTube channel: farrellhamann КэтиПерри"ню"бабочкакостюм! (Katy Perry's "nude" butterfly costume, a must see!)
I made my subjects stare at this picture of the huge dude holding the super-huge olive. I don't know why. I'm the King so I don't have to have a reason. The subjects got restless after 3 hours so I fined them all 30 brass washers, our monetary unit.
Please note: if you see a wiener dog in every piece of toast, you may have wienerdogitis. There are two main causes: 1 is listening to idiot Ed Crane on Crane's Corner in KFBK propaganda radio, Sacramento, the other cause is over use of high fructose corn syrup. (which can make you fat!)
Here's Ed Crane of KFBK shit radio
America's hottest dude
미국의멋진 남자
Le plus chaudde l'Amériquegars
الرجلالأكثر سخونةفي أميركا
The Roseville Galleria is wealthier than Arden Fair Mall but the girls are much, much cuter at Arden Fair Mall. Just wanted to let you know.
Market Square is a little mall stuck on the East end of Arden Fair. I'm going to tell you about that but first have to do some research. Don't use the restrooms in the basement.... ever and don't send a kid down there without a switchblade knife. This is no joke.
Note: shirt tucked into underwear for photographic purposes only. Wearing my best pair of boxers!! No need to explain the sidearm, I hope.
Above is the Royal Drink of the King of Nordstrom's at Arden Fair Mall. (Can't buy this anywhere)
My study in the Royal Palace This is the Bieber section
Above: Rare Justin Bieber pic. (From his secret album: "Eat me, I'm a Twink!" Вверху:РедкиеДжастин Биберрис.(Изего тайнуальбома: "Съешь меня, якрасавчик!"
Main staple in the Justin Bieber diet, little pink and white mГлавныйпродукт врационеДжастин Бибер, розовыйибелыйзефиризакускисырыекуриныежелудки.arshmallow snacks and raw chicken gizzards. ジャスティン·ビーバー食事、少しピンクと白のマシュ.マロのスナックや生鶏の砂肝の主要な主食。 Hauptnahrungsmittelin derJustin BieberErnährung,wenigrosa und weißeMarshmallowsSnacks undrohem HühnerfleischMuskelmagen. জাস্টিনBieberখাওয়াদাওয়া, কমগোলাপীএবংসাদাmarshmallowখাবারএবংকাঁচামুরগীরgizzardsপ্রধানপ্রধানতম.
Ah, tasty raw gizzards just the way Bieber loves em!
Токсичныеубийцыроботаошибкииз космического пространства Problemasassassinotóxicosrobôdo Espaço Sideral ToxiquesBugsrobot tueurfrom Outer Space
Heh, gold is not a problem.... just a tad of my secret horde of gold nuggets from my little hideaway in the Sierra Nevada. Don't try following me, I don't use a trail and I just might double back behind you and roll a boulder down on your head. This is gold of very high purity, Leprechaun grade. The Mercury dime and the Indian head nickel are for scale. I got me a whole pot of these and there is plenty more for the grabbing. Heh,istGoldkein Problem....nur ein bisschenvonmeinem GeheimnisHorde vonGold-Nuggetsausmeinem kleinenVersteckin der Sierra Nevada. Versuchen Sie nicht, mir zu folgen, weiß ich nicht verwenden,eine Spur, und ich könnteeinfachverdoppelnRückenhinter sich undrolleneinen Steinnach untenauf den Kopf.Das ist Goldvon sehr hoher Reinheit, LeprechaunKlasse.Die MercuryDimeund das indischeKopfNickel sindfür dieSkala. Ich habemir eine ganzeKannedavonund es gibt vielmehrfür dasGrabbing
Хех,золотоэто не проблема....чуть-чутьмоеготайногоордазолотых самородковотмоего маленькогоубежищав горах Сьерра-Невада. Не пытайтесьза мной, я не используюслед, и я как раз можетудвоитьсяпозадивас икатитькаменьвнизголовой.Этозолотооченьвысокой чистоты,Лепреконкласса.ЦентовМеркурия ииндийскийникельголовыдля масштаба.Яменявесь банкданных, и есть еще многодлязахвата. Forums: Worse car you have ever owned, worse boat you're ever owned. Mainly a boat site.
Cell Phone Tower (I've got to watch it here because if I say any more, they will try to have me killed. I wouldn't die easy, heh heh, I'm prepared, I'm like the thing in the movie Alien "You don't dare kill it!" It is said that the Army Corp of Engineers works on these and way too much juice goes into them and the cell antenna are too long. Haarp? Death frequency? See the bird on the very top. That's no bird, that's a drone! The drone on the cell tower knows the bird below, I've been watching them and recording their every move... Secret: If you get real close and are wearing a copper ring, Justin Bieber's cell phone calls will transmit directly into your brain!
See? Here's proof right here of the cell tower plot! Damn bird started pulling out my hair! I'd hate to have those talons wrapped around my throat.
Setting up in my large metal shed.
By appointment: 916-641-7696 Want to see people from Marin County and Granite Bay also. Bring the kids and dog. OK to smoke your cigar! Farrell Hamann Fine Art/Writing, Sacramento, California See the famous "Castle Collection"
Art Club and Museum. Sacramento, Roseville, Folsom, Granite Bay, Loomis, Auburn, Cameron Park, Davis, Arden Oaks, Sierra Oaks, Fair Oaks, Eldorado Hills, Tahoe, Reno, Marin, Bay Area Phone: 916-641-7696
I'm not crying here, just needed something fast. Coconut Bra was taken. Ich weine nichthier, musste nuretwasschnell.Kokosnuss BHaufgenommen wurde. Бюстгальтеримякокосовоепринято не было.Неплакатьздесь.Мысмеялись.Ха-ха! 난그냥뭐 좀 빨리필요,여기에우는아니에요.코코넛브래지어가찍은 거예요.대나무는남부캘리포니아에서성장
禅 わびさび
Lovely Bamboo growing in California SchöneBambuswächstin Kalifornien
Someone's dream car, an old T-Bird. My sister had one exactly like this back in the day. Jemandder TraumAuto, einen altenT-Bird. Meine Schwester hatteeingenau sowieder in den Tag. 누군가의 꿈의차,늙은티 -버드.내 동생이(옛날에)하루에다시똑같이하나했다
Tractor tires are always interesting and appealing. Lot of them here. I once had a Kubota tractor, loved that thing! Traktor-Reifen sind immer interessantund ansprechend.Viele von ihnenhier.Ich hatte einmal einenTraktorKubota, liebtedas Ding!
You can never have too many old tires. They do accumulate rainwater and create a place for mosquitoes to breed so you have to be careful with them. A gigantic pile of old tires caught fire in the central valley of California and took forever to extinguish. Thick black smoke everywhere. Man kann niezu vielealte Reifen. Sie wissenakkumulierenRegenwasserund schaffen einen Ortfür Mückenzu züchten, man muss also mit ihnenvorsichtig sein.Ein riesigerStapel alterReifenfing Feuerin derCentral Valley in Kalifornienundhat ewig gedauert,zu löschen.Dichter, schwarzer Rauchüberall. 당신은 너무많은낡은타이어를가질 수 없어.그들은빗물축적하고당신이그들과조심해야있으니모기가번식을위한장소를만들 수 있습니다.낡은타이어의거대한더미캘리포니아의센트럴 밸리에화재가났다 고만하고소화에영원히했다.사방에두꺼운검은연기.
Nice old beat up BBQ (barbecue) People always trying to give these away in the USA. Where is the propane tank? SchönealteBeat-up BBQ(Barbecue)Die Menschen haben immerversucht,diesezu verschenkenin den USA.Wo ist derGastank? 바베큐(바비큐)사람까지멋진늙은비트는항상이떨어져미국의주려고.어디프로판탱크는무엇입니까?
Here is another BBQ grill. It has seen better days Hier ist eine andereBBQ-Grill.Es hatschon bessere Tage gesehen 여기에다른바베큐그릴입니다.그것은더 나은일본
Stack of firewood. Ah, how cute! Nothing like firewood. You can take these and build "log end cabins or houses" Very attractive. Thank you tree (s) Stapel von Brennholz. Ach, wiesüß!Nichts wieBrennholz.Sie könnendiese undbauen"logEndeHüttenoder Häuser" sehr attraktiv.Vielen DankBaum(e) 장작의스택.아,얼마나귀여워!장작처럼아무것도.당신은이것을취할 수빌드하고매우매력적인"최종통나무집이나집을로그. "당신에게나무(들)을주셔서 감사합니다
More firewood. Split and neatly stacked up. Can use these for the stacked wood homes also. Wife with eyes blue like the Ellensburg agate likes this pic the best. MehrBrennholz.Splitundfein säuberlichaufgeschichtet. Können diese fürden gestapeltenHolzHäuserauchzu nutzen. FraumitAugenblau wie derAchatEllensburglikes thispic is the best. 더 많은장작.분할하고깔끔하게했답니다.또한스택목재주택에 대해이사용할 수 있습니다. 아내가눈을Ellensburg의마노같은청색이최고의그림좋아해요.
A nice looking horse. Very handsome critter (animal) Einegut aussehendePferd.Sehrschönecritter(Tier) 좋은찾고말.미남동물(동물)
A fine looking California horse waiting for you to bring it a carrot. Spent hours as a kid pulling up grass for corralled horses. I could give the horses the grass just out of reach! In dem schönenKalifornienPferdwartet auf Siemitbringen, um es eine Karotte. Stundenlangwieein KindHochziehenGras fürPferdeeingepfercht. Ich könntediePferdedas Grasknapp außer Reichweite! 당신에게당근을데려 오길 기다리고캘리포니아말을찾고괜찮아요.어릴 때쉴시간corralled말을위해잔디를취하.그냥밖으로도달의말을에게잔디를줄수 있어요!
Someone wants this friendly tree cut down. It is probably gone by now. This tree will "live" forever now on the internet. Maybe I should give it a name. How about "Beauty Tree"? Mandibles Mitt Romney would not save this tree! Jemand möchtedieses freundlicheBaumabgeholzt.Wahrscheinlich wird es vonjetzt weg.Dieser Baumwird"live"Für immer jetztim Internet.Vielleicht sollte ichihm einen Namen geben. Wie wäre es mit"BeautyTree"? 누군가가이친절한나무아래로잘라싶어.그것은아마지금 쯤이면 이미 사라지고있다.이 나무는인터넷에서이제영원히"라이브"것입니다.아마도내가이름을제공해야합니다.어때요"뷰티트리"?
Seseorang inginpokok iniramahditebang.Halini mungkinsudahpergisekarang.Pohoniniakan"hidup"selamanyasekarangdiinternet.Mungkin akuharusmemberikannama.Bagaimanatentang"KecantikanTree"?
I had this aluminum, tandem axle trailer custom built to haul my tractor. It has a diamond plate deck and stainless steel fenders. It was the coolest flatbed trailer in Santa Barbara, CA Ich hatte diesesAluminium-, Tandem-Achs-Anhänger custom builtmeinenTraktorzu schleppen.Es hat eineDiamant-PlatteDeckund EdelstahlFender.Es wardie coolsteTiefladerinSanta Barbara, CA 이알루미늄, 내트랙터운반을구축탠덤차축트레일러정의했다.그것은다이아몬드판의데크와스테인레스스틸fenders있습니다.그것은산타바바라,캘리포니아에서 최고로 멋진평판트레일러되었습니다
Hop up on the examination table, I'll check you out. HAHA
Would you prefer a pelvic or anal today? Or both!!! HAHAHA This could be a weapon in the GOP's evil war on women. Must be kept out of enemy hands. Springenauf demUntersuchungstisch, werde ich überprüfenSieheraus. HAHA Möchten Sie liebereine Becken-oder analen heute?Oder beides! HAHAHA Dies könnteeine Waffe imKriegderbösenGOPaufFrauen zu sein.Darf nicht indie Hände des Feindesgehalten werden.
A wealthy person is giving away this nice swing set. It even has a rope ladder. Ein reicherMenschist verlosendieses schöneSchaukel. Es hat sogar eineStrickleiter. 부유한사람이좋은스윙세트를멀리주는것입니다.그것도밧줄사다리를하고 있습니다.
My very large mosaic covered vase/urn. "Respite for Phoenix" I worked on this piece for months!! Meinesehr großenMosaik bedecktVase/Urne. "AtempausefürPhoenix"arbeitete ich andiesem Stückfür Monate! 내매우큰모자이크덮여화병/항아리."유예는피닉스에"나는몇 달 동안이조각에서일한!
Daughter brought this sweet but crazy little dog over for a visit. She was babysitting it. She was getting ready to bark at my cats. Her name is Betty. Tochter brachtediesen süßenkleinen Hundverrückt, aber mehr alsfür einen Besuch.Sie waresBabysitten. Sie warimmer bereit,aufmeine Katzenbellen.Ihr Name istBetty. 딸이방문에이상이다정하지만약간미친개를가져왔습니다.그녀는그것을봐주고 있었거든요.그녀는내고양이에나무 껍질이준비되었습니다.그녀의 이름은베티입니다.
We waited six years for these 2 Bower Vine flowers. Six long years. It is growing up our hibiscus. 우리는이두연주자덩굴꽃6년을기다렸습니다.6 년 동안이나.그것은우리의히비스커스를성장하고있다.
A picture of my Twitter Avatar ( @farrellhamann ) You can find my videos on my youtube channel: farrellhamann Farrell means: "Man of valor" 내트위터아바타사진(@farrellhamann) 당신은내YouTube 채널에내동영상을 찾을수 있습니다:farrellhamann을 패럴뜻:"용기의사나이"
Our living room in Sacramento, California 새크라멘토,캘리포니아에서우리 거실
Inverted image of my: Bitey Cats, Candles, and Cupcakes image. 거꾸로의이미지제:Bitey고양이,양초,그리고컵케이크이미지.
The Montecito Cheese Rat. The favored pet of the millionaires and billionaires of the wealthy enclave of Montecito, California (near Santa Barbara) Montecito cheese rats wear yellow diamonds and feast on Pinconning cheese. My 25 room palace is just the thing for a spoiled cheese rat. (see my art tours on youtube) Also have a cool Chateau on a rock. 몬테시 토치즈쥐.백만 장자와몬테시 토,캘리포니아의부자영토(산타바바라근처)몬테시 토에치즈쥐를억만 장자의혜택을 받고있는애완 동물은치즈Pinconning에노란색다이아몬드와잔치를착용.제25객실궁전철부지치즈쥐위한것입니다.또한바위에멋진샤또이(YouTube에나의예술투어를참조). Church of the Blue Moon/Moonbeams on your Naked Booty By The Exulted One (formerly Old Butthairs) Founder of the Church Kirche desBlue Moon/Moonbeamsauf IhrerNakedBooty By ThefrohlockteOne (ehemalsOldButthairs) Stifter der Kirche
Grilled Cheese, burnt to Hell and back but I scraped off the char and ate it. Gegrillter Käse, verbrannte die Hölle und zurück, aber ich kratzte dencharund aß es. 구운치즈,지옥불에 타다시지만샤의긁어 냈어요그것을먹었다.
My ship has come in!!!! Some guy I met needed cash quick and sold me this incredibly valuable Babe Ruth HOMER lime green softball. La la la la la.... heh heh, what an idiot. This thing could be worth a fortune. Hahahahahahaha, funny. Now it is mine, all mine. haha! Maybe I can get me a Ferrari, something like that! La la la la la la la YES!! This thing is in perfect shape. Accepting offers right now. MeinSchiff wurde inkommen!! Irgendein Kerltraf ichbenötigte Geldschnell undverkaufte mirdas unschätzbar wertvolleBabe RuthHOMERlindgrünSoftball.Lala la la la....heh heh, was für ein Idiot. Das Dingkönnteein Vermögen wert sein. Hahahahahahaha, lustig. Jetzt ist es anmir,ganz meinerseits.haha!Vielleicht kann ichmichein Ferrari, so etwas! La la lala la la laJA! Dieses Ding istin perfekter Form.Akzeptierenbietetjetzt. 내함선에왔다!!어떤 남자가서 현금빨리필요만난날이매우가치있는베이브 루스호머라임그린소프트볼팔았어요.라라라라라....ㅎ,난 정말 바보야.이건돈을가치가있을수 있습니다.Hahahahahahaha,웃기 네요.지금은광산,내 전부입니다.하하!어쩌면 내가나한테그런페라리,뭔가를 얻을수 있습니다!라라라라라라라좋아!이건완벽한모양입니다.수락지금제공합니다
Waiting with Daughter at Arco Arena in Sacramento, California to hi-5 the Sacramento Kings basketball team down on the court. They also fed us, we met the CEO of KLOUT (I have a high KLOUT score) and had a little Q&A with one of the team players. We were guest of KLOUT and the Sacramento Kings. Box seats, Naturally my daughter was featured on TV and the big screen in the arena and payed a visit by the cool team mascot. Where I go with my daughter, we always get free deserts. Haha. Thank you Maloof family and KLOUT WartenmitTochterbeiArco Arenain Sacramento, Kalifornien, um Hallo-5 dieSacramento KingsBasketball-Teamuntenauf dem Platz.Sie haben auchunsgefüttert, trafen wir den CEO vonKlout(Ich habe eine hohePunktzahlKlout) und hatte ein kleinesQ & Amit einem derTeamplayer.Wir warenzu Gast beiKloutund dieSacramento Kings. BoxSitze,natürlichmeine Tochterwurde im Fernsehenunddie große Leinwandin der Arenavorgestelltund auch bezahlteinen Besuchdurch denkühlenTeam-Maskottchen. Wo ichmit meiner Tochterzu gehen,wir bekommen immerfreiWüsten.Haha. Vielen DankMaloofFamilie undKlout 아래로코트에서하이5새크라멘토아크아레나,캘리포니아에서딸과 함께새크라멘토킹스농구팀을대기.그들은또한우리가KLOUT의 CEO를만난우리를먹이(전KLOUT높은점수를가지고)과팀선수중 하나와약간의Q & A를했다.우리는KLOUT와새크라멘토킹스의손님이있었다.박스석,당연히제딸은TV와경기장에서대형스크린에추천되었고멋진팀마스코트로방문을payed.내딸과같이 가자어디로,우리는 항상무료로사막을받으세요.하하.당신Maloof가족과KLOUT감사합니다
For Professional, expert beauty tips and tutorials, please visit my daughter, Kate's, channel on youtube: IKHAMELEON Makeup artistry, cosmetics, makeovers, supplies, and more.
Pour les professionnels,d'expertsconseils de beautéetdes tutoriels,s'il vous plaîtvisiter mafille,Kate,le canalsurYouTube:MaquillageartistiqueIKHAMELEON,cosmétiques,du maquillage, defournitures,etplus encore.
Дляспециалистов,экспертовсоветы по красотеи учебные материалы,пожалуйста, посетитемою дочь,,КейтканалнаYouTube:IKHAMELEONмакияжаартистизм,косметика,перфекционизма, аксессуарыи многое другое.
لموظفي الفئة الفنية،نصائحالجمالالخبراءوالدروس،يرجىزيارةابنتي،كيت،قناةعلىيوتيوب:IKHAMELEONالفنيةماكياج، ومستحضرات التجميل،التجميل، والمستلزمات،وأكثر من ذلك.
Paraprofesionales, consejos de expertosde bellezaytutoriales,por favor,visitar a mi hija,Kate,canalenyoutube:arteIKHAMELEONmaquillaje,cosméticos,maquillaje, material,y mucho más.
Đối với cácchuyên nghiệp,chuyên gia vềthủ thuậtlàm đẹpvàhướng dẫn,xin vui lòngtruy cập vàocon gái tôi,Kate,kênhtrên youtube:IKHAMELEONnghệ thuậttrang điểm, mỹ phẩm,Thay đổi vẻ ngoài, vật tư,và nhiều hơn nữa.
Proprofesionální,tipyodborníkůkrása anávody,navštivtemé dcery,Kate,kanálnaYouTube:IKHAMELEONMakeupumění, kosmetika,Makeovers,zásoby,a další.
My "new" vintage boombox (ghetto blaster) radio. A JVC 2 band cassette recorder, model: JVC RC-232 JW. This radio can plug in or use batteries. Has a great sound and works perfectly. Collectors go crazy for these old boomboxes. Meine"neue"Vintage-Ghettoblaster (Ghetto Blaster) Radio.EinJVC2-Band-Kassetten-Recorder, Modell: JVC RC-232 JW. Dieses Radio kanndas Einstecken oderBatterien verwenden. Hateinen tollen Soundundfunktioniert perfekt.Sammlerverrücktfürdiesen altenGhettoblaster. 내 "새로운 "빈티지boombox(빈민굴블래스터)라디오.제이 브이 씨이밴드카세트레코더,모델: JVC의RC-232JW.이 라디오에서플러그하거나배터리를 사용합니다.큰소리를하고완벽하게작동합니다.수집이늙은boomboxes에미쳐이동합니다. بلدي"الجديدة"boomboxخمر(مكبرغيتو)الراديو.شريط كاسيتمسجلجيهالفرقة2،نموذج:
Mi"nuevo"vintage",de la vieja escuela"de radioestéreo portátil.Tambiénconocidocomo:ghetto blaster.Colectoresamorestas radiosy esteesde verdad.Funcionaperfectamente.EsunJVCRC-232 JW
#GOP drove me crazy, now must go to THE LAND OF THE ZULU for mental health care. Nice over there, take bus, dust off Psychiatrist #GOPhat mich wahnsinnig gemacht, jetztmuss derLAND DERZulu fürpsychische Gesundheitzu gehen.Schön,da drüben,nehmen Sie den Bus, Staub vonPsychiater #美 공화당이(공화당)지금정신건강치료에 대한줄루의땅을가야한다,미친날혔습니다.정신과에서버스를,먼지받아, 저기니스
528Hz에서소리"DNA를복구"배경 음악도없고.를 통해YouTube에.(치유의소리)
Fox News: GlennBeck,Siesindein Arschloch! To top of page
Below: 18 second preview or trailer for short super spy series. Intercepted Video Transmissions/ Source Unknown. Agent/asset Elmer/Basel is a mind-controlled dupe of an intelligence agency. We are not sure which agency. Possibly the CIA, NSA, MI6, or DIA. Elmer has psychic powers but is somewhat clueless.They have dognapped his beloved pug dog, Mugsie in order to better control him. The preview shows Elmer/Basel being subjected to the torture sphere device of Dr. Greenbalm. You can also watch this and art videos at youtube channel: farrellhamann YOUTUBE (you can also follow on Twitter @farrellhamann) Unten:18 SekundenVorschauoder Anhängerfür kurzeSuper-Spion-Serie. AbgefangenVideoübertragung/Quelle unbekannt. Agent /Asset-Elmer /Basel ist einGedanken-kontrolliertendupeeinesGeheimdienstes. Wir sind nicht sicher, welche Agentur. Möglicherweise ist dieCIA, NSA, MI6 oderDIA. Elmerverfügt überübersinnliche Kräfte, sondern ist etwasratlos. Sie habenseinen geliebtenMops, Mugsiedognapped, umihnbesser zu kontrollieren. Die Vorschau zeigtElmer/ Baselauf dieFolterSphäreGerätvonDr.Greenbalmunterworfen. Sie können sich auchdieseartundVideosbeiYouTube Channel: farrellhamannYOUTUBE
(Sie können auchauf Twitterfolgen@farrellhamann)
Below: art studio of California sculptor, Farrell Hamann
Catering truck in Sacramento, California. Also known as a "Roach Coach) I saw no cockroaches and food looked OK. This one was parked on Power Inn Road and I got the owner's permission to take this photo.
CateringvrachtwageninSacramento,Californië.Ook bekend alseen"RoachCoach)Ikzaggeenkakkerlakkenenvoedselkeekop OK.
Питаниегрузовикав Сакраменто, штат Калифорния.Также известна как"Роучтренер)яне виделтаракановипищевойпосмотрелОК.
California poppies and blackberry flowers. Taken April 3d along the American River Parkway in Sacramento, California. This is one of the best bike trails in the United States when it's not too hot. It is possible to see a mountain lion (cougar) or coyote here, right in the city. Some consider the local scrub jay (bird) the smartest bird in the world. There is also a uniquely colored magpie bird with a yellow beak. KalifornienMohn undBlackBerryBlumen.TakenApril3dentlang desAmerican River Parkwayin Sacramento, Kalifornien. Dies isteiner der bestenRadwegein den Vereinigten Staaten, wenn es nicht zu heiß ist. Es ist möglich,einenBerglöwen(Puma)oderKojotehier zu sehen,mitten in der Stadt. Einige betrachtendie lokaleScrub Jay(Vogel)das intelligentesteVogel der Welt. Es gibt auch eineeinzigartig farbigenElsterVogel mit einemgelben Schnabel.
Spring meadow along the American River Parkway bike path in Sacramento, California USA
Cork oak bark ARP (American River Parkway, Sacto, CA
Mia the champion black female pug dog. She was a best in show dog before we got her. She is really a sweet critter and getting happier every day. We feed her a mainly raw meat diet. This is one of her happy faces (when she puckers up her lips. Taken at Country Club Plaza in Sacramento, California. (special note: yes, Mia is the Moddey Dhoo of Peel Castle. Currently she is haunting my Palace here in Sacramento, California, teleporting her fearsome self back to the Isle of Mann when necessary) "Be afraid, be very afraid" 米娅冠军的黑人女哈巴狗狗。她是在表演狗之前,我们把她最好的。她真是一个甜美的小动物和获得快乐每一天。我们喂她一主要原料肉的饮食。这是她的一个幸福的笑脸(当她拳师她的嘴唇。乡村俱乐部广场在萨克拉门托,加利福尼亚州拍摄。 미아챔피언흑인여성발바리의 일종개.우리는 그녀를도착하기 전에그녀는쇼개가최고되었습니다.그녀는정말착한녀석이고매일행복을받고.우리는그녀에게주로생고기다이어트먹이를주지.이것은그녀가입술을puckers그녀의행복한얼굴의 하나(수 있습니다.새크라멘토,캘리포니아컨트리클럽플라자에서찍은.
Above: Frozen dog meat for the pugs. They get a lot of raw meat in their diet. They're doing very well. I don't put it in a dish, I toss it to them and they always catch it. Only time they miss is if I don't throw it well.
I'm now available as a consultant in Mall Rehabilitation. Time to wake up your dead, declining, or mind numbingly dull mall or shopping center. I can do more than consult, I have turn key items already to spice things up. Personally, I'd like a huge walk in freezer so people could go in there, sit on blocks of ice and eat ice cream. That would be a huge hit for sure. Oben:GefrorenesFleisch für dieHundeMöpse. Siebekommen eine Menge vonrohem Fleischin ihrer Nahrung.Sie sindsehr gut.Ich glaube nicht,steckte es ineine Schüssel, ich werfe es ihnen undsie immerfangen.Nur die Zeitistsie vermissen, wenn ich nicht werfentun es auch.
Ich binjetzt auchals Berater inMallRehabilitation. Zeit aufzuwachenIhreToten,rückläufig ist,oderGeistbetäubendlangweiligMall oderEinkaufszentrum.Ich kannmehr alskonsultierentun, habe ich bereitswichtige Elementedrehen, um sie etwas aufzupeppen.Persönlich würdeIch mageinen riesigenbegehbarenGefrierschrank, damit die Leute da reingehenkonnte, sitzen aufEisblöckenundEis essen. Das wäreein großer HitfürSie sichersein.
Lion Tower, Old Tower, Chateau on Rock, Gold Monument. In the Sacramento art studio of artist, Farrell Hamann. This is the kind of thing a billionaire would get for a Richie Rich kind of kid. Museum quality, fine art toys and sculpture. LionTower,Alte Turm, Chateau on Rock-, Gold-Monument. ImSacramentoArt Studiodes Künstlers,FarrellHamann. Dies istdie Art von Dingenein Milliardärfür eineRichie RichArt von Kindbekommenwürde. MuseumQualität,Fine ArtSpielzeugund Skulptur.
الذهبالنصب،برجالأسد،شاتوعلى صخرة،البرج القديم.تحصيلللمليونيرأومليارديرالكمال.يمكنكالناسفي الإمارات العربية المتحدةوالعربيةالسعوديةتريد أن يكون لهانظرة.هناكجولاتالفن(وكذلككوميديا)علىقناةيوتيوببلدي:farrellhamannيرجىزيارة.
Artist/writer, Farrell Hamann driving Creampuff the Jaguar (Ah yes, this sounds so pretentious)You can follow me on twitter @farrellhamann don't forget to look at my youtube videos. (update: sold Creampuff and driving loaner car for now. Free car for 3 months not a bad deal! When I lived in Paris, some mystery person loaned us (French GF and I) a little Citroen 2cv for the entire time I was there. Helps to have cool, radical Prof. for dad sometimes) Künstler / Publizist, FarrellHamannFahrenCreampuffder Jaguar(Ach ja, das klingt soprätentiös) Sie mirauf Twitter @farrellhamannfolgen könnenvergessen Sie nicht,bei meinemYouTube-Videosschauen.(Update:.! verkauftCreampuffund FahrenLeihgerätAuto fürAutojetztkostenlosfür 3 Monatekein schlechtes Geschäft, wenn ichin Paris lebte, verliehen einigeRätselPersonuns(GFFranzösischund ich) einen kleinenCitroen 2cvfür die gesamte Zeitwar ich dort.Hilftkühlen,radikaleProf.für Papahaben manchmal)
Naked Barbie dolls stacked like cord wood. Used up by the creeps of the GOP and discarded? Newt? Trump? NakedBarbie-PuppenwieSchnurHolzgestapelt. Von denMonstern ausder GOPbenutzt und weggeworfen? Newt? Trump?
The world would be a better place if Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney (MandiblesMitt) and Santorum all wrapped their peckers in aluminum foil and ran out into an electrical storm. Die Welt wäre einbesserer Ort, wennNewt Gingrich,Mitt Romney(MandiblesMitt) und SantorumalleeingewickeltihreSpechtein Alufolie undrannte hinaus ineines Gewitters. Tweet
Uh, why is a second hand store in Sacramento, California (Goodwill) selling Ballot Boxes? Anyone out there to explain this? Now I have to investigate. Bummer. All ballots in the United States of America need to be hand counted. Votes need to be hand counted, Nothing else is acceptable. Äh,warumist einSecond Hand Shopin Sacramento, Kalifornien(Goodwill) zu verkaufenBallotBoxes? Jemand da draußenzuerklären?Jetzt muss ichzu untersuchen.Bummer.
AlleStimmzettelin den VereinigtenStaaten von AmerikamüssenHand abzählen. AbstimmungenmüssenHand abzählen, ist nichts anderesakzeptabel.
Remember Tower Records (a landmark in Sacramento)? The big sign was preserved. It was probably in Tower Books on Watt Ave. before being hauled into the nearby Goodwill store.
لكالناسغرامةمندولة الإمارات العربية المتحدةوالمملكة العربية السعودية.أريدكأن تعرفأنمجموعة الأعمال الفنيةالشهيرةللفنانولاية كاليفورنيا ،فاريلهامان ومتاح.كما أن هذه المجموعةالضخمةوالقلاع والقصوروالفسيفساء،والنحتكبيروتناشدجميع الأعمار.يمكنأنشأتكمتحف،نادلكبار الشخصيات،أومنطقة جذب سياحي.يمكنك ان ترىعدةجولاتفنالفيديوعلىقناةيوتيوب:farrellhamann(وكذلكالحيوانات الأليفةلطيف، ولعب اطفالوالكوميدياالمقترحةسعر الطلبهو11 / 2مليون دولارشكرالك"مجموعة فريدة"ومتحف جون بول غيتي.
Periwinkle flower blossom in spring (My cat, Creamy) hangs out deep in the periwinkle patch.
Lone live the Montecito Cheese Rat!!
The Huge old Camphor Tree located in midtown Sacramento,CA (AKA, The Grid) Big!
Local woman in front of gigantic camphor tree The tree is directly in front of the Java City Coffee House in at the corner of 18th and Capitol
Harley Davidson motorcycles of my all girl biker escort security patrol. The hottest women in California and the Pacific coast. Yum! Don't mess with these girls, armed and dangerous. My personal bike is a Vincent Black Shadow. Harley Davidson MotorrädermeinerMädchenallerBiker-Eskorte SicherheitPatrouille. Dieheißesten Frauenin Kalifornien undder Pazifik-Küste. Yum! Nicht mitdiesen Mädchen, bewaffnet und gefährlichdurcheinander bringen.Mein persönlichesBikeist eineVincent Black Shadow.
Note: I'm going to start selling my flat marble toy spiral via the net very soon (hand held for kids older that 4 1/2 due to choking hazard) Don't have any made up yet but will soon. Each one will be different. Don't have pay pal so you'll have to pay by money order or silver, perhaps personal check until and if I get Paypal. Have some other ideas in the works for gifts and what nots. I'm thinking I need an inexpensive line of art and that's what's motivating me. These toys would make great Christmas or birthday gifts or just to have around as sculpture.
Below: Latex mold for making spiral marble toys, I've made a number of these and they are great toys and help with hand eye. The finished marble spiral will be approximately 12 1/2 inches across. For Price, I thinking $32 shipped in USA or $55 for two. You can always arrange to pick up in person in Sacramento and see my huge art collection (giant spheres, obelisks, castles, chateau, paintings, wall hangings, large marble toys)
Latex rubber mold artist made for casting spiral marble toy My email
I decided to accept writing assignments. So, let me know what your needs are.
My phone in Sacramento, CA: 916-641-7696
My new art museum is now open by appointment, bring the dog, you can drive right up. Event planners will want to bring bored CEO's.
My Pre- Christian era Cross sculpture. The Cross was used long before it was adopted by Christians. Pre-Christian Crosses Meinevorchristlicher ZeitKreuz-Skulptur. Das Kreuzwurde, lange bevor es von den Christen übernommenwurde. Pre-Christian Crosses
My new art museum is now open for visitors by appointment. Call: 916-641-7696 Bring the dog! Event Planners will want to bring bored CEO's
I woke up like this, OK? so don't get any big ideas! Get back!! What wedding dress? Ich wachte aufdavon, OK? soerhalte keinegroße Ideen! Holen Sie sich zurück! WasHochzeitskleid?
King Farrell. Top American senior underwear model (not butt shots please) Inventor of 25k gold and true King of France and Holland. The Monetary unit in his Kingdom is the brass washer and the stolen hubcap. Read about how the Clueless old King found his Queen KönigFarrell.TopamerikanischenSenior-Unterwäsche-Model (nicht stumpfSchüssebitte) Erfinder des25kGold undwahrenKönig von Frankreich undHolland. Die Währungseinheitin seinemKönigreich ist derMessing-Scheibe und der gestohleneRadkappe. Lesen Sie, wiedieCluelessalte Königseine Königingefunden
Chrome Skull (oooh, watch out)The skull is guarding the money below. Not a lot of money but it is mine.
Chrome Skull(oooh, watch out) der Schädel, bewachtdas Geldunten.Nichtviel Geld, aber es istmeins.
It was mine until Creamy the Cat showed up. To get my money back from the cat, I had to get clawed up! My neighbor saw Creamy under the sofa and said: "Oh, there's the sneaky one!" Es warmircremig rührendie Katzeauftauchte.Ummein Geld zurückbekommenvon derKatze, musste ich bisKrallenfroschwerden!Mein NachbarsahCreamyunter dem Sofaundsagte: "Oh, da ist daseinhinterhältig"